How To Soften Play Doh?

The main reason why playdough becomes hard is because moisture in the air evaporates. You can slow it down by closing the lid on the small play dough container when not in use. Here are some tips to help keep your playdough soft and pliable:

How to soften play doh?

You can reduce the hardness of the playdough by adding a little water until it returns to its original texture.

Adding water to Play-Doh softens it and makes it more pliable. Water rehydrates Play-Doh. This is a simple process that can be completed in minutes.

How to Make Playdough Soft

Place the play dough in a small cup or bowl and add water, one or more drops at a time. Add water into the open crack with your fingertip. Knead the dough well.

Continue the same steps until the dough is smooth again. Then you can start playing. I told you this is the fastest way to rehydrate!

How to hydrate Play-Doh with just a few drops of water?

If the playdough is too hard, wrap it in a wet paper towel to soften it. Moisture helps relax the dough and make it more pliable. If you already added water to the dough and it doesn’t work, you can try additional methods. Any soft, absorbent paper product will suffice. You can use toilet paper, tissues, and napkins.

Roll the playdough into fairly small balls or chunks. This will make it easier to wrap the dough in a towel. The brown playdough container is ready to soften.

Place the playdough into a clean, sealed container. Make sure the container is airtight enough to keep the playdough moist. Leave the Play-Doh container overnight or longer so the dough is soft by the time you open it.

When you open the playdough container, the paper towel should be dry and soft, like brown playdough. If your playdough won’t come back after several attempts to soften it, consider buying a new playdough set or making your own playdough set using a playdough recipe.

How to make Play-Doh softer with the Ziploc method?

Allow to absorb moisture overnight. Make sure the bag is completely sealed. Take out the playdough and wait for it to dry. Otherwise, the color will spread all over your hands. Knead well again before playing.


With these tips, your kids will be able to play with the same Play-Doh for years! So, we sincerely hope that you will be able to put all these into practice and make your playdough soft again.

I hope you enjoyed these tips on how to soften playdough! As you can see, this method is very easy and worth practicing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Play-Doh become hard?

Playdough is often a favorite activity of young children, but at some point, the playdough becomes hard, which can be frustrating for both parents and children.

There are several reasons why Play-Doh may dry out. One reason is that it has been sitting in an open Play Doh container for too long.

The dough dries out over time and becomes harder. The moisture level of playdough can affect its texture. When the going gets tough, here are some quick ways to hydrate your Play Doh.

How do you make playdough soft and stretchy?

Playdough is made by mixing flour and water. The more liquid you add, the softer and more stretchy the playdough will be. One way to make homemade playdough soft and stretchy is to add vegetable oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil.

Another method is to add lotion in addition to adding oil. If the dough seems sticky, you have added too much water. Add more flour to make the dough smooth.

How do you keep playdough soft?

There are so many fun things you can do with leftovers. No need to throw food away from the Play Doh table. After playing with Play-Doh, be sure to store it properly.

To keep your Play-Doh soft and in good condition for future use, you should store it in an airtight container. Homemade playdough also needs to be stored in the refrigerator because of its ingredients.

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